Tuesday, February 26, 2013

One Killer Concert

As I'm waking up this morning I notice that the smile that I went to bed with has yet to leave my face. My ears are still slightly ringing from the continual pulsing that's making my legs bounce up & down. I smell like smoke & beer but only in a good way. My mind is full of lyrics & images from one kick ass concert!! P!NK completely ROCKED MY WORLD last night & I'm still reeling from it all!!!!



Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting To Know Me...Musically That Is

Over the existence of my life, I have been in pursuit of who I am. Like most people, we try & try to figure out where we are coming from, where we are going to & what are we here for in the mean time. As I look back at my life & the extraordinary events that have helped to shape me into the man I am in pursuit of becoming, I see how music has played a SIGNIFICANT role in my life. Now it just may be me but personally music, at times, has been a major influence in helping me to make my mind up on a particular direction that I want to live.

 I am an extremely complicated individual even though I'm also a simple being. I love like others, I laugh like others, I cry like others & I get down & dirty like others & yet there are plenty parts of me that leave others shaking their heads & walking away in dismay. Its not that I'm a bad person...just different. Matter of fact, thanks to Alanis for coining THE perfect description, I've said for years that "I'm a fabulous freak of nature"! Odd in all the right ways & far from boring. I have a tendency to stick my foot in my mouth & chew vigorously & yet I've got a huge heart & LOVE love & do my best to never hurt anyone & to also do right by nature!!

Recently, I made up a list of my "LIFE SONGS" that either helped in shaping me or told a perfect story almost from within my life diary. Now I know that we ALL can think back to those kinds of songs & I do mean ones that mean more then just a great song to us. Songs that bring us to our knees or that rip out our hearts. Songs that play in the back ground as we make love or make us want to jump into the sack. Songs that are so good the rhythm pulses through our veins & we can't help but to shake, dance & groove each & every time we hear them. Hear are 3 lists of my life songs split into categories that fit this blog to a tee.

Hand in My Pocket
No Pressure Over Cappuccino
Limbo No More
Bent For You
These Are the Thoughts
You Learn
Nothing In Return
Thank U
....All these songs are by Alanis Morrisette as I personally connect to her music more then I connect with any other artist....

Bent - Matchbox 20
Heart Of Stone-Cher
Who Am I Living For-Katy Perry
18 Wheeler-P!nk
Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson
You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me-Cher
Better Get To Living-Dolly Parton
Stronger-Kelly Clarkson
The Different-Melissa Etheridge
Firework-Katy Perry
Affirmation-Savage Garden
Dream On-Aerosmith
Lucky-Melissa Etheridge
Fucking Perfect-P!nk
Don’t Be Anything Less (Then Everything You Can Be)-Snoopy
Heal Me-Melissa Etheridge

Nothing But A Good Time-Poison
Youth Gone Wild-Skid Row
Giant-Melissa Etheridge
Express Yourself-Madonna
Sweet The Sting-Tori Amos
Talk Dirty To Me-Poison
I Want Your Sex-George Michael
E.T.-Katy Perry
Strange Love-Depeche Mode
Cherry Pie-Warrent
Bad Influence-P!nk
Lady Marmalade-Moulin Rouge
Unskinny Bop-Poison
Slut Like You-P!nk
Raise Your Glass-P!nk

Now these are just SOME of the MANY songs that have influenced my life. Of course there are plenty of songs that just ROCK MY WORLD but haven't necessarily changed my life or influenced a decision. As you can tell, my music influence is all over the place. I love my rock but love pop & country & R&B & even musicals. I mean hell...diversity is the best thing in life to have! So if you ever hear one of these songs on the radio or your Ipod...you'll know that it has a special place in me & of me. What are your life songs.........

Monday, February 11, 2013

Year Of The Water Snake

The Year of the Water Snake is considered the "year of the flying star" and yearly afflictions. This means that while it is the year of new beginnings, it is also the year of illnesses, particularly for matriarchs. Career changes are not advised this year but getting married and getting into relationships are good ideas. The Year of the Water Snake is a good year for travelling, especially during certain times of the year, depending on each person's sign and destination. "We cannot rely on a general forecast, we always refer to (our signs) because we have our own forecast. Some people go to the extent of getting a personal forecast," says Allen, a well renouned astrologer & fung shui expert. The bad luck of a year is something that everyone can counter. There are amulets and figurines such as the Rhino statue that could serve as wealth protection. Bad luck can also be countered through a change in attitude like being more positive in your outlook in life and having a better self-image.

Year of the Ox - 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

In terms of the signs, the luckiest for 2013 are those born in the year of the Ox.Year of the Water Snake for those born in the year of the Ox could be a "breakthrough year." This means that those born under this sign should do everything to take advantage of this good fortune through good feng shui and hard work. People born under this sign have the so-called 'wealth star' for the year." Opportunities are really strong; the health is strong. In terms of business expansion, business ventures, it's there for them to enjoy. Oxen are the star of the year!

Year of the Pig - 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

For those born under the year of the Boar/Pig, this is not a good year since the Boar is in conflict with the Snake. This means that the Boar needs to protect himself/herself, especially in the "bad" month of September. The good months for the Boar are June and August. This is the time for them to take it easy, do a lot of charity work and, at the same time, this is the time for them to do something different from the normal things that they do.

Year of the Rat - 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008

Those born under this sign are the second luckiest in 2013. This is "a year full of promise" for the Rat with possible promotions and opportunities to go into business or expand their existing business.
Their relationships are also expected to bloom and they will also enjoy good health.

Year of the Tiger - 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, and 2010

The prosperity that the Tiger enjoyed in 2012 will likely continue in 2013. However, this year, the Tiger sits on a "robbery star" which means they have a higher chance of getting robbed of their wealth or other assets. Tigers should keep their most precious belongings close to them. This is especially important because they can be betrayed by a friend or somebody close to them this year.

Year of the Rabbit - 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, and 2011

Rabbits in the Year of the Water Snake will be "angry and hostile" and could be prone to losses. They are also vulnerable to illness and accidents. This is because the Rabbit now sits not only on an "argument star" but also a "natural disaster star" which could lead to accidents while traveling or even lose their good reputation. Spend some time alone in quiet reflection to avoid clashes.
Year of the Dragon - 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, and 2012

From a tumultuous year in 2012, Dragons can breathe a sigh of relief as the Year of the Water Snake brings them some reprieve from their misfortunes. This year, Dragons can expect "amazing success and luck". However, they should watch out for gossiping and backstabbing.

Year of the Snake - 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, and 2013

Snakes will enjoy good relationships and new sources of income this year. The health of the Snake, however, will be weak this year. They will have a tendency to look down on themselves this year. Snakes should try to adopt a positive outlook about life and of themselves this year. They have good opportunities especially where wealth is concerned so the Snakes must take advantage of this by believing in themselves more.
Year of the Horse - 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, and 2002

Horses this year are very lucky in love. They "become magnetic" in terms of love and romance. Those who have partners or are married to Horses must also keep their partners and spouses in check because of the attractiveness of the Horse this year.
Year of the Sheep - 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, and 2003

The unlucky streak of the Sheep will continue this year, unfortunately. This is just temporary as 2014 will be the banner year for the Sheep. Sheeps must just hang on and do their best this year. In terms of love, relationships with Sheeps will be "moody" this year. Sheeps have better wealth prospects this year.

Year of the Monkey - 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, and 2004

The luck of Monkeys this year will be average but their wealth prospects will improve. The Monkey will also be one of the unlucky ones in terms of health and afflictions. Chances are, they have started feeling the bad health vibes as early as 3 weeks before, in the same way that other unlucky signs this year have begun to feel their strength draining. But it's not all gloom and doom for Monkeys as they will have an "unexpected success" in the Year of the Water Snake.
Year of the Rooster - 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, and 2005

Roosters will still have wealth this year and their health will also improve this year. But cautions not to be too trusting as they are in danger of being cheated on. Since the Rooster had the wealth star in 2012, it would mean that in the following year, which is 2013, they will sit on the robbery star. This makes them prone to losing the wealth they accumulated in the past year.

Year of the Dog - 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, and 2006

After a really bad 2012, Dogs will have a better year. They will be lucky financially and will experience an improvement in their health. Dogs are also bound to enjoy a "wonderful" relationship in the year of the Water Snake.

Friday, February 8, 2013

February: A Month of Love, Purple & Fun Facts

Ahhh....February. A month filled with some interesting things. Like...did you know....
February starts on the same day of the week as March & November in common years, & on the same day of the week as August in leap years. February ends on the same day of the week as October every year & on the same day of the week as January in common years only. In leap years, it is the only month that ends on the same weekday it begins.
February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification & is also the only month that ends prior to 30 days & is the only month effected by leap year. Although we in the Northern hemisphere know that it's the middle month of winter, those in the southern hemisphere know it as the hottest month of summer. The color associated with this month is purple which includes its flower the Violet & stone Amethyst. The month starts out in zodiac sign of Aquarius & ends in Pisces. February is also considered or called the Month of Love. Some say it's due to the month being so cold that love ones gather closer to stay warm.

February has many calender holidays, though most aren't banking holidays like Presidents Day or lesser known holidays then Valentines Day but here are just a few: National Black History, LBGT (UK), Constitution of Mexico, World Marriage Day, Mike Day, National Sun Day, Flag Day, Groundhog Day & the first Sunday of the month always holds the Super Bowl. Arizona (my birth state) is the 48th state & last of the contiguous states to be admitted to the Union, & it achieved statehood on February 14, 1912...yep...Valentines Day.
Now...here are a few little known facts of February. These either took place or were found out during the month.
Anglo Saxions called this cake month & offered cakes to the gods while the Saxions called it sprout month for the start of cabbages & kale growth...
The Shakespeare festival started February 2, 1507...
12th & 14th are called Borrowed Days from Jan. & were used to determine the weather for that upcoming year...
"When a cat lies in the sun of February, they will sleep behind the stove in March"...
The Flower "Snowdrop" comes up from the snow in February & is considered a symbol of hope...
February 19th is National KISSING Day & the 22nd is National Thinking Day...
Queen Elizabeth II Came to throne in 1952 & still holds reign as Queen of England...
Charles Dickens was born February 7, 1812...
February 20, 1896 cinema movies first appeared across the seas from America...
Mardi Gras was started as way to induldge ones self until Ash Wednesday...
And here is one final fun/freaky event that took place this month......
On the night of 8–9 February 1855 & one or two later nights, after a heavy snowfall in the UK, a series of hoof-like marks appeared in the snow. These footprints, most of which measured around four inches long, three inches across, between eight & sixteen inches apart & mostly in a single file, were reported from over thirty locations across Devon & a couple in Dorset. It was estimated that the total distance of the tracks amounted to between 40 and 100 miles. Houses, rivers, haystacks & other obstacles were travelled straight over, & footprints appeared on the tops of snow-covered roofs & high walls which lay in the footprints' path, as well as leading up to & exiting various drain pipes as small as four inches in diameter.
The area in which the prints appeared extended from Exmouth, up to Topsham, & across the Exe Estuary to Dawlish & Teignmouth. R.H. Busk, in an article published in Notes and Queries in 1890, stated that footprints also appeared further afield, as far south as Totnes & Torquay, & that there were other reports of the prints as far away as Weymouth (Dorset) & even Lincolnshire.
There were also attendant rumours about sightings of a "devil-like figure" in the Devon area during the scare. Many townspeople armed themselves & attempted to track down the beast responsible, without success. Although there are many theories as to what caused the tracts, people of region still feel the area was visited by the Devil itself.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Who Am I Living For

Yeah, yeah, yeah
I can feel a phoenix inside of me
As I march alone to a different beat
Slowly swallowing down my fear...Yeah, yeah
I am ready for the road less traveled
Suiting up for my crowning battle
This test is my own cross to bear
But I will get there
It's never easy to be chosen
Never easy to be called
Standing on the front line
When the bombs start to fall
I can see heavens
But I still hear the flames
Calling out my name.....
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am I living for?
I can feel this light that's inside of me
Growing fast into a bolt of lightning
I know one spark will shock the world....Yeah, yeah
So I pray for favor like Esther
I need your strength to handle the pressure
I know there will be sacrifice
But that's the price
It's never easy to be chosen
Never easy to be called
Standing on the front line
When the bombs start to fall
I can see heavens
But I still hear the flames
Calling out my name....
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am I living for?
Heavy is head that wears the crown
Don't let the greatness get you down
Heavy is head that wears the crown
Don't let the greatness get you down
Oh yeah
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am I living for?
I can see the writing on the wall
I can't ignore this war
At the end of it all
Who am I living for?
At the end, at the end
Who am I living for?
At the end, at the end
Who am I living for?.................KP

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Champs


My record for Super Bowl picks at the start of the season.....11-8!!!