Tuesday, September 25, 2012


There are so many parts that I have hidden and denied and lost
There are so many ways that I have cut off my nose to spite my face

There are so many colors that I still try to hide while I paint
And there are so many tunes that I secretly sing as I wait

You come along and invite these parts out of hiding
This invitation is the one that I've stopped fighting....

Thank you for seeing me
I feel so less lonely
Thank you for getting me
I'm healed by your empathy
Oh this intimacy

There were so many times, I thought I'd die not being truly known
There've been so many moments: forever lonely in my vocation

You come along and celebrate each feeling
And there you are all honor and inquiring.......

Thank you for seeing me
I feel so less lonely
Thank you for getting me
I'm healed by your empathy
Oh this intimacy

There was a day where the trust that was being asked of me
Required too much you see
To accept your generosity
And to know myself enough to let you help me

Thank you for seeing me
I feel so less lonely
Thank you for getting me
I'm healed by your empathy
Oh this intimacy...........................................AM
This is dedicated to Lesli....one of the closest friends I've ever had & the one that has truly seen me for me...no questions or trying to change me....she just loves me for ME....Congrats on your engagement!!!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Year 11 from 9/11/01 & My Heart Still Breaks

Memorials to capture why each year our hearts break on this day.
Reflecting Pools where the World Trade Center once stood. Now all you hear here is the sound of water & tears.
Inside the memorial looking up to clear sky
The New Freedom tower reaching to the heavens
Actual pieces from the towers used in helping us remember around the country
Pentagon Dedication Ceremony
Lights under each bench illuminating the bright life that was snuffed out

Walking the line of the path United 93 flew into the ground

 Marble walls for each of the passengers
Tower of Voices wind chime memorial in the works for United 93

Tuesday Morning 9/11/01

Paying my respects
In Loving & Caring Memory

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

3 Years!

“Into A King”
It started harmless enough

Animal infatuation
But something within it prevailed

You were a sweet amalgamation
Of all the parts I have loved
The hottest slippery slope

And out came depth
And out comes healing
Out comes friendship unlike any I have known

Happy anniversary baby
you’ve gone from a prince into a king
Happy anniversary darling
I’ve gone from complicated to complete

continued and softened us up
our rocks are hewn by this water of love
and steadfast: our pinky swear

and out comes fun
out comes relief
out comes championing unlike any I have known

Happy anniversary baby
you’ve gone from a prince into a king
Happy anniversary darling
I’ve gone from a complicated to complete

And how far have we come
how far we’ve yet to go
til we’re gray great grandparents
til we’re one tiny little wrinkle
I say I do I do I do

Happy anniversary baby
you’ve gone from a prince into a king
Happy anniversary darling
I’ve gone from complicated to complete

And so, we’ll trapse from paper through diamonds
A family tree’s genesis
Our fingers t’wining together

And out comes ever
And out comes alchemy
And out comes drooling on your chest

Happy anniversary baby
you’ve gone from a prince into a king
Happy anniversary darling
I’ve gone from complicated to complete.....................AM